- Dr. Rudolf Seiters (Praesident DRK), Mania Feilcke-Dierck (PRaesidentin Ambassador's Club), Stefan Athmann (Direktor Regent HOtel Berlin) beim Ambassador's Club Fruehstueck im Regent Hotel Berlin. Dr. Seiters berichtet über die Arbeit des DRK und stellt sich den Fragen von über 20 interessierten Botschaftern.
© Agentur Baganz
- Edeltarut Toepfer (Vizepraesidentin Ambassador's Club), S.E.Caetano Luis Pequito De Almeida Sampaio (BotschafterPortugal) beim Ambassador's Club Fruehstueck in Anwesenheit von Dr. Rudolf Seiters im Regent Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
- I.E. Sarojini Seeneevassen-Frers (Botschafterin Mauritius), Kirsten Baumann (Ambassador's Club), I.E.Ethel Davis (Botschafterin Lberia) beim Ambassador's Club Fruehstueck in Anwesenheit von Dr. Rudolf Seiters im Regent Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
- S.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Jalil Hj Ahmad (Botschafter Brunei), I.E. Dr. Kaja Tael (Botschafterin Estland), S.E. Eddy Pratomo (Botschafter Indonesien)beim Ambassador's Club Fruehstueck in Anwesenheit von Dr. Rudolf Seiters im Regent Hotel Berlin.
© Agentur Baganz
On the 17th of October the President of the German Red Cross (DRK), Dr. rer. pol. hc. Seiters, was the guest of the Ambassadors Club. Dr. Seiters has been in charge of the DRK for ten years after his long career as active politician during which he also was Minister of Internal Affairs.
Speaking to about thirty Ambassadors from all over the world Dr. Seiters took the opportunity to explain the historical development of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. Nowadays, these organizations operate in nearly all countries of the world. The German Red Cross itself is active in more than 50 states and recognized as an impartial actor to help in situations of conflict. Among the many tasks that the DRK takes over, it is particularly important to Dr. Seiters that the organization can help in cases of natural hazards and provides aid to prisoners and families in conflict situations.
In order to fulfill these challenges, the German Red Cross can count on 3,5 Million members, 400.000 active members and 120.000 employees in Germany. In worldwide comparison only the USA, Japan and China provide more international aid.
Through the questions of the guests such as the Ambassador of Macedonia, H.E. Frau Utevska-Gligorovska, and the Ambassador of Portugal, H.E. Mr. de Almeida Sampaio, it became clear what an important role the Red Cross and Red Crescent movements play in coping with the current crisis situations, e.g. Syria and Lampedusa. For that, the cooperation with the German hospitals that make doctors and nurses available is as important as the close coordination of the several national Red Cross organisations.
Pictures: Agentur Baganz