The Ambassadors Club meets regularly for jour fixes with a guest speaker, followed by lunch. Because of the corona pandemic, this has not been possible for months. As a result, the club now had to relocate the series of events that was very popular among the ambassadors in Berlin to the digital world.
So, the President of the Ambassadors Club, Dr. h. c. Mania Feilcke-Dierck invited the Excellencies in mid-May for the first digital jour fixe in club history. She welcomed the Governing Mayor of Berlin Michael Müller as guest speaker.
He spoke to almost 70 ambassadors from all over the world on the subject of “Berlin in an international context”. In doing so, Müller focused on Berlin’s international cooperation, the 17 city partnerships, the change in work due to the pandemic and the “restart” after the pandemic. He then answered questions from the Excellencies for almost 45 minutes.
Text: Martin Hoeck
Photos: Landesarchiv Berlin, Ambassadors Club