At the beginning of the late summer, the traditional Ambassadors Golf Cup took place on 9 September 2023 on the golf course of the Märkischer Golfclub Potsdam in Phöben. For the 20th time, the President of the Ambassadors Club, Dr. h.c. Mania Feilcke-Dierck, invited together with this year’s patron, the Vice President of the German Parliament, Wolfgang Kubicki MP, to the summer event of the year. Numerous ambassadors from all over the world accepted the invitation and enjoyed the Saturday together on the golf course to play for the prestigious Lalique trophy.
Ambassadors who had their first golf stick in their hands completed a beginners’ course and learned the basic elements of the sport. At the end of the lesson, they played a small tournament. The experienced ambassadors played on the large golf course.
In the evening, all competitors came together for dinner. The award ceremony followed by a raffletook place at the same time. Another highlight was the fact that the ambassadors brought home specialities for dessert. After the dinner, there was a colourful buffet with a wide variety of delicious treats, for example from Brazil, Slovakia, Iran and Laos.
This year, the Ambassadors Golf Cup was once again supported by many partners, such as theSANA Hospital Group, the Deutsche Post DHL Group, the DesignerOutlet Berlin, LifeStyle Drinks from Hamburg and of course the Märkischer Golfclub Potsdam e.V.
The Iranian Ambassador H.E. Mahmoud Farazandeh was proud to receive the trophy this year. So, the trophy will move from the Embassy of South Africa to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran until the next golf tournament in September 2024.
Text: David Schmal
Photos: Ambassadors Club e.V. / David Schmal